Developing Your Intuition
Express Reading
Just click the top card and see what message is waiting for you.
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1. Let Go Of Fear Now
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
3. Be Kind To Yourself.
You are so very hard on yourself. Put down the whip and begin the practice self love and self nurturing. Forgive yourself for whatever past events shames you. Consider that how you were treated as a child has been taken in as a false truth. It will take some, but know that YOU DO DESERVE all that is good and YOU DO DESERVE love. You must love yourself first. Whatever you believe of yourself will draw more of the same. Believe in your worthiness and watch your life change.
5. Abundance and Prosperity
After all your inner and outer work, the positive energy you sent out is now returning to you.
The struggle is over. Keep doing what you are doing while knowing that Abundance and Prosperity are yours.
No worries if you don’t physically see it. Just believe and KNOW that you are on the right path and good is coming your way. Don’t try to guess “How”. Just know.
If you aren’t already doing so, spend time in gratitude thanking God/Universe for the abundance you can and cannot presently see in your life.
Send out prosperous energy out into the universe by helping, in even the smallest ways, those that are less fortunate. What you send out will return back to you.
7. Concern from Spirit - Male
A man in spirit is concerned for you. He might have noticed that you are not taking good care of yourself or perhaps you are making poor choices in life. He sends his love and wants you to release any guilt you carry concerning any actions taken or not taken in the past..He is telling you that he is doing fine and it is important that you move on with life. Be happy. Be well.
9. Take Action Now
There is something that you wanted to do yet have felt stuck with fear or doubt. Detach from your often self imposed limitations and closely, unemotionally, analyze your options. Once your options have been identified, get quietly centered and mentally “try on” each option paying attention to your body’s messages. The option that feels good deserves your attention and is worthy of your action.
Get the ball rolling now. You have work to do. Now you know which direction is right for you and your journey.
11. Trust that Urge
If you have been experiencing an urge to act on something, stand back a tad.
Look at that urge. If it is born out of a negative emotion such as fear, insecurity or panic, ignore it.
If it feels like a whisper from a loving place, then it may very well be something which would make you happy.
Once you have determined that the urge under consideration is a message from Source/God/Universe, take steps to investigate what it would take to make it happen.  Then, roll up your sleeves and get busy making magic happen 🙂
13. Love from Spirit
There is someone in spirit you is trying to get your attention. They want to clean up details left behind that bothered them in their physical life. They are trying to ask you to forgive them. Influences and circumstances of their life which were not in your control contributed to their actions and behaviors and poor choices.
This person is sending love your way, They remind you that they and will always be a thought away. Just ask if you need some comfort or positive energy to help move your life forward.
15. Stop
Stop now. At some level, you are out of control. Inhale & exhale slowly three times. Then take a 3 minute meditation break. Observe the breath.
17. Balance
The key to a happy healthy life is balance. Self care, recreation, meditation, exercise and consciously receiving and giving love are often neglected in favor of tasks we seldom enjoy.
One solution is to find joy in daily tasks. There is a joy in knowing your are physically and mentally capable of performing those tasks given tasks.
There are those in this world much less fortunate than you that would be very happy to have the mental and physical capabilities and life circumstances you are presently enjoying.
There are many ways to life your vibration and be happy.
One such activity is to adapt the practice of gratitude. Looking for and embracing what IS going right in your life certainly is a great start. Â
Next, access which areas in your life are being overlooked and neglected. Decide how important these areas are to your well being and then choose to make changes in your life which support a greater balance.
Enumerate healthy lifestyle adjustments you can make to your life style and decide how these adjustments can be implemented.
Strive to create a balance which paves the path for peace and freedom.Â
19. Listen
If you get a strong impulse to do something which internally feels good, natural and right…LISTEN.
Take the action which is nagging you if, and only if, Â it will all be an energizing right action experience for you.
Be willing to release total control. You might not understand where the message is leading you. That is okay. We don’t often know “why” we are heavily prompted to do something. Let God/Universe/Higher Self do some heavy lifting for you. Trust.
21. Nature Is Missing You
Your body is in great need of grounding. The connection to the earth is genetically programmed into our being. With all the electronic and industrial pollution found in our homes and workplaces, the body’s electrical balance is disrupted. A surplus of positive charges in the body causes inflammation and all sorts of ills including the thickening of blood. By going out in nature, especially walking barefoot in safe areas, Â the body will gladly absorb the much needed negative ions.
Did you ever notice how great it feels to be at the beach or by a body of water? It is because your body is taking a taking advantage of the opportunity of  returning to balance as it absorbs the healing negative ions.
Go outside, take a walk, sit on a rock, go to the beach. Do whatever in nature makes your spirit smile.
23. Your Body Is Feeling Sad
Treat your body well. Feed it good clean unprocessed food, drink lots of water, spend time in nature and tell it you love it .
Give your body many opportunities to joyfully move and thrive. Treat it as you would treat a beloved pet.
Do what makes your body smile. It will love you for it.
25. You Have Come A Long Way
Congratulations! It has been a long haul. You feel like your path has been a series of obstacles, losses and some minor wins.
All of these experiences have brought you to where you are now. They made you strong and less intimidated by what once made you quake and shake. Give yourself a pat on the back. You truly have come a long way.Â
Sit down and make a list of how you have grown. Notice how your feathers no longer get ruffled by certain people and various situations.
Take note of your forward moving changes. Notice how you now deal with certain people and situations and how these shifts in perception have served you well.
We are all works in progress, however, we often give energy to what has not happened yet rather than the many gifts of life we take for granted.
Remember. You had something to do with drawing those gifts to you. Do more of that.
27.Proceed With Caution
The question that you have under consideration requires some very careful threading. Make sure you do a great amount of research considering the various options which lie before you. Once research is complete, be aware that your intuition might be trying to help you as well. It has been my experience that intuition always trumps research, however still do the research first.
29. Love
Love is all around you. You might have attracted this message because love is trying to get in. It is time for claiming the prize. All you have to do is provide the matching vibration. Are you waiting waiting waiting for the stars to perfectly align before you let love in? How sincerely are you in presently loving and accepting yourself just as you are in this moment? To have love in your life, you first have to feel the love you want to receive right in your own heart. The object of that love needs to be YOU. Are you treating yourself like you would love a beloved to treat you? Only when you are loving yourself now instead of “needing” someone else to love you, can you create the space for love to enter your life.
Another possibility is that you have and are loving and accepting yourself now, and have done so in the past as well. This card might very well indicate that either you are already being loved as you desire, OR,..your mate is just around the corner. Keep up the self love and divine timing will intervene with a perfect-for-you mate.
31. You are meant to have it all!
The only obstructions are our own beliefs and self imposed limitations.
Keep up all your positive beliefs and expectations while quickly diffusing anything which opposes your happiest best.
If a scary thought comes up just acknowledge it and let it go. Say to the thought “Thanks for your input.” and let it go. Â
Imagination is the beginning of all things. Imagine what you want and in some way, you feelings will attract what makes you feel happy.
You are much closer than you think 🙂
33. You Deserve All That Is Good
It is up to you to be open to it. The fear of being hurt can shut down your innate desire to receive and give love.
Being vulnerable is an act of trust. Trust and intend that only good crosses your path.
Believe that you have the power to discern and make wise choices.
Behavior that is born out of fear will not give you the desired result. Behavior that arises from your sense of self-worth will open the doors of abundance in all areas of your life.
You ARE good enough.
35. Open To Recieve
Set your intentions. When you set your intention, don’t tie the hands of the Universe/God/Creator. Focus more on the feeling you are after and intend the right circumstances unfold to produce the desired “feeling”. Ex: Feeling safe, Feeling secure, Feeling loved etc.
Take daily steps in the direction of your intentions.
Release the need to predict “how” or “if” your intention will manifest.
Enjoy watching it unfold and expect MAGIC.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
2. Take Back Your Energy. Detach.
Your situation is draining you.
It might be very important however your focus on the problem is keeping you stuck. Try to get out of the drama.
Your involvement is not helping your health nor the situation.
4. Challenges in Finances
These are times where you might be seeing material losses. Fear could easily be a likely response. It is important that you see yourself as much more than a physical body. You are a spiritual being with the power to create by using your thoughts and perceptions. This is not a time of punishment.
It is an opportunity for growth. Your vibration needs to change. Look for what you are grateful for and focus on that. Watch silly movies. Take action every day to change your situation. Cultivate a deep trust in a higher power/universe that things will work out. You decide how long you want to take to learn the lessons and prosper.
6. Patience
Are you nervously waiting for a certain circumstance? Do you keep looking to see if it manifested? Every time you look you are sending to the universe the message that you don’t trust goodness is yours.
When you are not integrating the physical you with the spiritual you life feels like a big struggle. Lack of patience often manifests in being out of balance and trying to control circumstances with a tight fist.
Such behavior indicates underlying fear and mistrust. Instead, stop and observe all the miracles that are presently in your life. Know that your right choices and positive vibration have helped manifest those miracles. Make a list of all the things which have worked out right in your life.
Relax and trust that things will work out however is best for all.
Say goodbye to resistance and enjoy peace of flow.
8. Concern from Spirit - Female
A female in spirit is concerned for you. She might have noticed that you are carrying a lot of guilt. She is telling you to let it all go. She is doing fine and you need to do the same. She wants you to move on and forgive your self for real or perceived wrong choices in life.
This female might have observed that you not taking very good care of yourself or, perhaps, you are making choices in your life that are not serving you. She sends you her love and wants you to release the past and move on. Se is telling you that he is doing fine and it is important that you move on with life. Be happy. Be well.
10. Let Your Authentic Self Shine
You have held back for so many years. You found yourself always subjugating yourself to what you perceive others want from you. It is time to take off the mask and let your real beautiful self shine. If you have habits and behaviors you dislike, work with them to uncover your best version of “you”. Accept that you are a work in progress. Love yourself right now just as you are. Allow your light to shine.
12. Restructuring Is Happening
You are feeling like you are on roller coaster. There are crazy ups and downs and frankly, you feel like you don’t know which end is up.
For some time now you have been asking the universe for something big. The universe has heard your request and is now paving the way for wonderful. Have faith. It will be better than “Okay”.
14. Slow Down
You are going into too many directions at one time. Your energy is scattered all over the place causing your time to not be utilized efficiently and productively.
Take 3 minute mini-meditation breaks every hour. You will be amazed this tiny practice quickly amplifies your ability to focus and arrive at creative solutions to challenges in a fraction of the time.
Once you are in a more focused place, you will notice that there is much time left in your days to do the things you really love doing.Â
16. Expect Miracles
No matter how hopeless your situation appears, it is time to let go of your fears and focus on your bliss.
Their is an unlimited and divine power supporting your efforts. Trust, act and expect your highest and best outcome.
Do not tell God/Universe/Source “How” you want to unfold because doing so ties the hands of the divine. Just focus on the feeling you are wanting to feel and tap into that feeling now. Believe it and your will see it…not necessarily as you expected..but a whole lot better 🙂
18. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is often confused with the act of pardoning someone who hurt us. Â Forgiveness does not mean that we accept the hurtful behavior we suffered and by doing so relegating ourselves to a life of being abused and victim.
Forgiveness is more about setting ourselves free. The other person is likely not feeling one iota of angst or guilt. It is the recipient of the abuse who suffers the abusive event or and over again in their mind and then feeling this sadness and anger in our bodies over and over again too. It is as if every time we think of them and get worked up, we are handing them a chunk of our energy on a silver platter.
We need to forgive ourselves for allowing that person to control and determine the level of our daily joy. After a time of grieving the insult, detach from the offense and make a conscious decision to lead a joyful life in spite of what occurred in the past..
None of this is easy. If you can’t seem to do it alone, I suggest getting some counseling. Life is too short to feel and be a forever victim.
20. Listen to Music
Being human includes the wonderful gift of feelings. Some feelings we just love, and some we avoid.
Acknowledge the ones that hurt. Then let them go. Do not stuff them.
Choose music which you already know makes you feel good. Play music from a happy era of your life.
Music is vibration and it certainly has the power to place your mood in a better uplifting place.
Remember, your health is tied to your feelings about life and yourself so avoid extended time of dwelling in the lower emotions.
Anger, sadness, envy, fear, anxiety all impede health. With your very powerful energy only feed the good feelings you want to experience often .
22. Cut The Chains.
If you have not been in happy in a situation, be it career, relationships etc. and have worked hard to shift your perception of the situation with minimal results, perhaps it is time to make a change.
Imagine a different life than what you now have. How does it make you feel? What about this imaginary life makes you smile?
Consult with a therapist or someone you truly trust to help you evaluate your options and their implications.
Listen to your body. Know that you are well supported. The Universe/God/Higher Self is always by your side.
Work on changing the part of you that might feel threatened by the thought of change.
Envision the life you want. Feel it deep inside. Take action to make it happen.Â
You are not alone. Choose freedom. Trust..
24. You Are Loved
You are feeling very alone right now. Life is throwing challenges at you that feel overwhelming. Little do you know how many people would be very sad if you were not around anymore. There is so much love in the physical world which you are not even noticing.Â
Yes. You are loved. In the spirit world, their is much support. You might not see it, however it is there. During those quiet moments you might even feel a wave of peace and grave. Yes. You are loved.
Find ways to love yourself. Treat yourself to a small pleasure. Nurture yourself as you would a hurting child. Honor the fact that you are a child of the divine. You are worthy of all this and so much more.
26. Harvest Is Eminent
You have been tending to your goals for a long time. In your mind’s eye you have seen them grow into their best manifestation.
You have feed them faith and watered them with trust. Be prepared to reap the harvest of your dearest intentions. You deserve it.
28. Sunlight Is Required
The sun is the source of creative healing light. Without it we would not be here. As the earth’s atmosphere gets more and more compromised, we have received many warning concern getting too much sun. One needs to balance the degree of their exposure to the sun. This card is indicating that there is a need for more sun in your life. Depending on your location, you might be deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin is made naturally by our bodies when exposed to the sun. A full-spectrum light might be a worthy investment. Perhaps you are getting guided to move closer to a sunny location. Simply a visit to a sunnier location might do you a world of good at many levels. A health condition might be begging for what the sun has to offer. Once again, allow your intuition to guide you as how to proceed.
30. What you FEEL like you BECOME
Are you happy with your life right now? If you are, you need to be proud of yourself for utilizing your God given power to choose. Yes..you are truly that powerful. Clearly you chose feelings, thoughts, behaviors, beliefs and perceptions which matched your desired vision of your life. It might be that you can’t even see this vision of your desires, however somewhere, deep inside of you, the knowing that it IS in the making is enough to keep your faith in the positive..
Not happy with yourself or your life? Don’t give any energy to feelings which bring you down.
The more you feed low feelings with energy, the more stuck you will remain.
Look at energy as money. What are you buying? Are you feeding good things or your fears?
Take time daily to visualize the you/life that you want to be. Visualize it is as having it now and power it up with positive emotions.
Paint it with details to the point where it feels real..even for the moment.
Five minutes of daily focused attention with emotion is much more creative than 24 hours of random fearful negative thoughts.
You can do this. You are so worth it. Just don’t give up!
32. Release the past
Do you feel like with all the work you have done things should be a whole lot better? You are wracking your brain trying to figure out what you have done “wrong” and why things are just not working. The truth is, you have done nothing wrong at all. Perceptions about your self worth that you have absorbed from the past are poisoning your present. Of course you know what that spells out for your future.
How often have you heard that tiny little voice within make snide nasty comments which stick pins in and pop your dreams and goals? The tendency is to feel the pain of that old hurt from which is was borne all over again as if it was your story now.
The plan is to silence those false messages which are robbing you now of your self-worth and faith in life.
How do we go about this? Be aware.
Listen to the content of what is going on in your head. Listen to the reactions you are feeling in your body. If either of these don’t feel so good you have just identified a reason for your present challenges. When this happens In your mind recognize it and then tell your self that it is NO LONGER true.
Create a new story to replace the old. Don’t worry if it has not yet manifested. Give the story you want to create permission to reside in your mind and body. Work yourself up into a glorious feeling. Let THAT be the feeling you allow and nurture in your body.
Thank the lessons of the past for what you have learned and release them forever. Feel the story of your dreams while you are taking action daily to bring it into the physical.
Just know that all things are possible, if you allow them to be.
34. Flow
There are circumstances in your life which are causing you a great deal of resistance. You have done all you can and have come to the conclusion there is not much else you can do.
Instead of using your energy to feed the beasts of victimhood, powerlessness, anger and more, choose to adapt rather than resist.
The reward for the shift in perception will lead to much greater peace and appreciation which, due to the nature of energy, will bring you more reason to feel peaceful and feel grateful.
36. A Door Just Closed
You are feeling pretty sad lately. There was a loss that feels like a true ending.
Just know that you are well supported. The universe knows what you really need.
Sometimes, the universe needs to remove something in order for something much better to appear.
It may be hard, but try not to keep searching with the energy of desperation.
Good things are coming. Just relax and watch it unfold. Let go of the need to now “how” and “when”.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
1. Let Fear Go Now!
The more we sit in fear, the more reasons to fear we will attract.
Do everything thing you can to build up the faith and trust that the situation will work out okay. Your emotions are signal which brings more of the same to you.
Think happy thoughts. Consider the practice of gratitude.
Disclaimer: Purely entertainment. An exersize in intuiton. outline color is #CBA4C1
Disclaimer: Purely entertainment. An exersize in intuiton. outline color is #CBA4C1