Sacred Convergence Room
Grief Healing Chapel
This room has been temporarily donated for private use to the Longo family.
It has been charged with healing energy for the express purpose of helping family and friends deal with a series of heart wrenching losses. Unite your energies. Come often to help each other to heal together.

Welcome. I am Anna Rosa. I am the owner of this site and as well as the one who does all the energy work, including but not limited to, distance healing. This is how I make my income. On this under-construction website I had intended on offering a variety of distance healing services in addition to the healing services I offer in my other two distance healing sites.
I have long believed in the power of like intentioned many. When a group of people share the same feeling and thought, the power of their unified intention is magnified greatly. Evidence of this God given power we have, especially when our energies converge, has been demonstrated by a variety of scientific experiments as well a references to this gift of power in the bible.
“When two or more are gathered”…great and beautiful things happen.
Everyone who enters this particular healing space page must consciously unite and intend…
That everyone who enters this page with a heavy heart receive the highest and best help to find peace and the courage to heal.
As a gift to Diana and her friends and family, It is my intention to maintain an enhanced state of healing energy on this page until June 22nd, 2016. The energy here is programmed specifically to help ease the pain of loss, find some peace, and muster up the courage to keep on living.
At the bottom of this page you will see a real time count of how many people are on this page and working with you for the same intention of healing.
Below are various videos from YouTube
By viewing the video of your choice,Anna’s intended healing energy will be flowing your way.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScrrgEekpvw&width=1080&height=609&listType=playlist&list=PLX9_buAXvqCBPA7Ts2Zu3KMakdQAW6gi7&plindex=0&layout=gallery[/embedyt]
This website is presently under construction. I do intend to have both free and paid rooms people can use for a variety of intentions.
I will be offering several distance healing services as well as physical items such as jewelry and stones…all charged with the energy I channel… Aurora Mistica®
Join my email list to get inspiration, updates, specials and even some free energy 🙂
Join Anna’s Exclusive List
Any and all services provided by Anna Rosa do not connect in any way to any specific church or religion. The services Anna Rosa provides are always intended for the highest and good of all involved.
Only non-pregnant women and adults as defined as 18 years or older may attend or partake in any healing services or events in any way associated with this website and/or Anna Rosa.
If a responsible adult chooses to have someone participate or interact in any services, events or products who does not fit the age and condition requirements above, they shall assume all responsibility for any perceived outcome. Anna Rosa makes no promise to catalyze a healing. Anna Rosa does not provide diagnosis and/or treatments for undesirable aspects of life be them spiritual, physical, financial and emotional.
The services and events represented in this website are NOT to be substituted for professional help. Examples of professional help are services such as financial, emotional, psychological and physical professional contributors to your well being. Reiki With Trust llc/Anna Rosa Everything Energy are not responsible for actions or events occurring before, during or after sponsored services and events which have any association with this site as well as all sites associated with Reiki With Trust llc..
Copyright© 2016 – Present
Reiki With Trust LLC